
Hey friend, 

Contrary to many people in my space, I strong believe that our feelings are not meant for guidance- but only for pleasure. 

Its common for people to be led by a “gut feel“

Or to “tune in“ to your body

Or to view the body as a feedback mechanism that could in some way guide you forward.

Feelings like excitement, love, joy, peace are very seductive. 

Feelings of pain, fear, guilt, shame, are very motivating.

But ultimately they are all reactions. 

If we allow them to lead us, we will ultimately be run around in circles. 

The physical body & the ego are systems designed to maintain, and to keep the same, to find the equilibrium. That is why those who are led by those things, run around in circles. 

The intelligence of our feelings & body, pale in comparison to the intelligence of the soul. 

Consider, that anything created from a space of reaction or feeling, will need to be managed, maintained, monitored, improved upon, constantly fixed- because its being created from a disintegrated place. 

It’s created from an underlying desire to escape your current underlying unhappiness or unease. 

So it will be chaotic & inevitably unfulfilling, even if it is deemed “successful“ by the outside world.

Reaction & feelings are the place pretty much all of us create from. 

We weren’t shown any other way, so how could we know better?

But there are much better ways to go about the process of creation. 

It’s a big part of what I am currently exploring.


Jay Topp is a 24 year old writer, marketer, film maker & self-led educator originally from Australia, now based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. You can see his films here. Instagram here. And his business website here.

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