re: ur gf

Hey friend, 

When we make a decision to change, to go beyond where we have ever gone before, to step into the unknown…

Its very exciting 

We are filled with great possibility 

Our awareness is full of the potentials

For the things we can create

The places that we can go

Who we could become

And when we make a decision to change, what we are actually doing is inviting new awareness. 

Many of us don’t realise it.

That when we ask for change, we are inviting new realisations of everything that must change, in order to step into the new.

I have a lot of conversations with young people who are making big considerations & decisions for their life. 

Deciding to quit jobs

Deciding to pursue whats meaningful to them, instead of what they were told to do 

Deciding to leave the place that they are from in search of more.

Some go through this process with ease, some go kicking & screaming, some turn around.

Many things come up, reasons why they cannot go into the unknown, or give themselves completely to the adventure of themselves. 

“I need to be here for X“

“i’ve got a girlfriend thats studying“

“My partner doesn’t want to travel“

“I need to be close to my family“

“I’ve got a lot of social events coming up“

All fair reasons… maybe. 

Some questions worth pondering… 

Are you going to delay the one life that you have, to please others?

Are you going to put off the great adventure because those around you won’t come with you, or understand it?

Are you going to wait till the stars align, till its accepted, encouraged, and supported by everyone and everything from your exisiting world?

Consider this, 

That the very process of going into the unknown, means creating a new relationship to everything and everyone in your world. 

That for you to transform into something new, will require a great deal of letting go. 

That if you make a decision to go beyond where you have ever been, you will need to go alone. 

Its not to remove people from your world, the truth is you can never get rid of anyone or anything. 

But its to say, if you want to fully receive yourself, you must be willing to let go of everything else. 

In my experience, this is something very few are willing to consider, and even fewer willing to act upon. 

But for those who are willing to step into this new space, with courage… a whole new world awaits.


Jay Topp is a 24 year old writer, marketer, film maker & self-led educator originally from Australia, now based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. You can see his films here. Instagram here. And his business website here.

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re: sno convethe lmoney VS ease.trneve