re: money

Hey friend, 

If you are looking to go on your own journey of self led education… (in the world)

To becoming the authority in your own life- rather than looking to teachers, preachers and parents.

To move beyond the ideas of traditional education and to walk the path of your own creation. 

To experience the world and your own self, beyond what you have come to know as normal or typical.

Then one of the biggest challenges you will faces, is your current (limiting) beliefs. 

All the beliefs you inherited from others about what it is that you are and the “reality“ of the world you were born into. 

Some of the biggest beliefs that keep people trapped in small lives, are their beliefs around money. Around how much of it they can make. How they can make it. What they can do with it. 

Your financial education (or complete lack of) came from probably 2 places..

  1. State dictated curriculum. A state that just wants you to work your 40 hours and pay your taxes. And then spend the rest on a mortgage and whatever else they want to sell you.

  2. Your parents. Who if they are like 99% of people. Are not financially, geographically & time free.

This education came with a bunch inexplicit & explicit beliefs about money. 

It would be best to release most if not all of that- if you wish to create something greater. 

It is possible, friend. 


Jay Topp is a 23 year old writer, marketer, film maker & self-led educator originally from Australia, now based between Latin America & Europe. You can see his films here. Instagram here. And his business website here.

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