re: leverage

Hey friend, 

Archimedes, a greek mathematician & philosopher said…

“Give me a place to stand, and a lever long enough & I will move the world.“

This great quote was introduced to me years ago, to speak to the testament & importance of leverage, and the fact that if you have enough of it, you can move seemingly immovable objects with the power of your own hands.

If you want to build great things, you need great leverage. 

Whether its building a great business, spreading a great message, creating a movement, or a great life. 

You’ll need great leverage.

Whether its human leverage, leverage of code & tech, leverage of capital etc. 

Now, when people are wanting to build a great life, the biggest thing they get wrong is the highest point of leverage. 

The place where they can have the greatest impact, with the least amount of force. 

They think its in knowledge, which is useful and required. 

They think its perhaps in certain environments, which can be crucial. 

They think its in working hard, which is required. 

However what they miss, is the true highest point of leverage, YOU.

You are the thing that creates everything in your life. 

Despite what you may have been told in regards to certain ideas around how you came to be where you are, and why- you are the thing that creates your life and everything in it. 

That is to say, nothing in your life happens that doesn’t come through you

That isn’t created by you 

(this may be challenging to hear)

But it’s truly freeing & perhaps exciting to know

That if you want to change your life, or create great, beautiful things, the most important thing to change, the thing most worthy of your attention, is you. 

You are the highest point of leverage in your world. 

If you change you, grow you, go deeper into you- everything else will be affected. 

If you are nourished

If you are clear

If you understand 

If you are connected

If you are thriving

All that you will create, will be much better for it. 

The highest point of leverage in your life, isn’t some new AI hack. Some sort of funnel. Some method of attaining a quick win. 

You are the highest point of leverage. And when you are great, those more mechanical, practical things will come to you. 


Jay Topp is a 24 year old writer, marketer, film maker & self-led educator originally from Australia, now based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. You can see his films here. Instagram here. And his business website here.

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re: sno convethe lmoney VS ease.trneve