re: emily pt.2

Hey friend, 

Today i’m writing on the 2nd part of the a reply I received from a reader, Emily. 

“ your statements really only apply to the male brain or a masculine method of engaging with business. I seem to think, if it was this easy, every woman would be doing it.“

There’s a fair bit to unpack here. Let’s dive in.

Firstly, (I’m assuming) she’s talking about my approach to starting an online business- which to summarise is very action based. It’s essentially ask a few questions around what you could deliver, look what opportunities are around you, and knock on doors (figuratively or literally) until you get your first yes. Then over-deliver, get a great case study/ proof, and repeat. 

It’s the way I initially grew my business online. And its the simplest framework to get started, and to get into action. I helped a bunch do it this way. Guys and girls. 

Big action (which I guess is masculine) is very important at the start of the journey. Because most procrastinate, over-think, and spin the wheels. The importance of taking radical action at the start, is it gives you instant feedback. Real world feedback. Which is what we need to improve, make adjustments. 

This sort of feedback can be hard to take, its takes courage. This is the sort of feedback that most spend their life avoiding and the school system protects you from. It’s the kind of feedback that can actually allow you to move forward. 

At the start of the journey, the best thing you can do is just take action, more action than most and something will stick. Something will click. This is the most sure way to get from 0 to 1.

But yes, it requires a masculine energy at times. And the truth is, if you are a woman in the marketplace, you are going to need to have that masculine energy that you can tap into when its needed. Not to live from that place, but to have that available when its needed. If thats something that you are not willing to do, you are going to tough time. You will continually be overpowered by those that are willing to do so. If you only ever want to live in your feminine 100% of the time- best to find a good husband who is happy to take care of the rest. 

But also consider, as I grow my business and scale to new heights, its been imperative for me to be able to access my feminine energy. The feminine energy is to the source of creation, ideas, new life. It’s only the feminine that can receive. And the feminine process did not come naturally to me as a man. 

I’d suggest that if u want to be a dynamic human being, you need to be able to access both energies when required. Its a process of integration of all the parts of you

There’s many great examples online of amazing female entrepreneurs who build incredible things without turning into a masculine figure. My sisters are great examples of this. But there are many.

I would also suggest that woman in the corporate world end up far worse, being forced to live in their masculine 24/7 for 50 years. Many such examples of this.

And to address the last line, “if it was this easy, every woman would be doing it.“

I’ll change that to, “if it was this easy, everyone would be doing it.“

The mechanical side is straight forward, very simple. Its just showing up and taking action for long enough. 

But its everything else that makes it challenging…

  • All your old beliefs about the way life ought to be, will arise. And you will have to confront all the truths that you held so dearly, that are now holding you back. 

  • Your self image has to upgrade. Because the old way that you saw yourself, will not allow you to move into the new way.

  • all your friends not understanding. Unconsciously projecting their shit on you as they watch you grow and explore something new. And ultimately having to embrace the solitude of your own all-oneness.

  • Your family may reject it. Say you’ve changed. Call you silly, get offended. Creates stories and drama.

  • Ultimately, you are walking into the unknown. Where there is no certainty. Nothing familiar to rub up against. Nothing to comfort and sooth you. Just you and the great unknown. 

See, when you make a decision to move forward, to go beyond, you will be presented with everything in you life that you must release into order to move forward. And most cannot let go of what they think that they know.

This is why most fail.

The most confronting thing about freedom, is that it all leads back to you. 

The most confronting thing about space, is what to do with it. 

And that sort of accountability, causes most to run as far as they can. 

But of course, they don’t realise its because of these things.

Thats why most fail at online business- because they don’t understand they are being invited into a much bigger dance, than wifi money, coconuts on the beach. 

They are ultimately being invited into themselves, and their own potential, perhaps for the first time in their life. 


Jay Topp is a 24 year old writer, marketer, film maker & self-led educator originally from Australia, now based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. You can see his films here. Instagram here. And his business website here.

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re: sno convethe lmoney VS ease.trneve