phd drones.

Hey friend, 

In the modern education, specialisation is the name of the game.

The supposed best minds, spend 8-10 years on one key area, to get a PHD, and then spend the rest of their lives going deeper and deeper into that area. 

And its honourable, impressive and no doubt there are certain things that can probably only be learnt in that way of study. 

However, its very narrow, one-dimensional and leaves a lot untouched. 

I align with the idea that we don’t need more specialists, we need more polymaths & generalists. 

We need more people who have spent time studying & progressing across a wide range of skills. 

I find it much more useful and more impressive when someone has dedicated their life to developing all the 9 intelligences, not just 1.

Howard Gardner’s nine types of intelligence include: 

  • Logical-Mathematical Intelligence 

  • Linguistic Intelligence 

  • Interpersonal Intelligence 

  • Intrapersonal Intelligence 

  • Musical Intelligence 

  • Visual-Spatial Intelligence 

  • Bodily-Kinaesthetic Intelligence 

  • Naturalist Intelligence 

  • Existential Intelligence 

We all know the archetype of the extremely gifted logical-mathematical person, with zero interpersonal skills. How will they be able to create anything great?

We all know people who have incredible Bodily-Kinaesthetic intelligence, but its not very useful without existential intelligence. 

When you are developing all areas, you begin to see foundational, universal principles across them all. This ability to see a hidden order behind all the surface skills. 

How much greater do you think the insight of the person who is developing all areas? From logic, to languages, to movement & physical expression, to contemplating philosophy, poetry, dynamic in their outer relationships, to play music etc. 

How much more fulfilling a life that would be. How much greater what you could create, what you could share, what you could pass down. 

The system wants specialist slaves. 

But the world needs polymathic creators. 

Naval said, “One Einstein is worth 1,000 PHD drones.“


Jay Topp is a 24 year old writer, marketer, film maker & self-led educator originally from Australia, now based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. You can see his films here. Instagram here. And his business website here.

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