my little brother.

Hey friend, 

Last night, my eldest sister and 2 youngest siblings went for a walk to an outdoor gym by the beach and hit a little session. 

On the walk back we went past an Apple authorised dealer. 

My little brother has been dabbling with editing videos and starting an online business.

But the problem is, his laptop recently died so he’s been having to share with one of his sisters.

He’s 12 and about the same age as when I started getting interested in the online stuff.

So we went in and I dropped $2kusd on a new MacBook Air for him. Took 3 mins- didn’t have to think about it. (That’s one of the biggest wins of having an abundant online business)

He’s got a hunger and a desire for an extraordinary life like me. So it’s a good investment into him and his life. 

I told him…

“With a MacBook and an Australian passport, you can conquer the world“

He gets it. Most don’t.

If you have a solid passport, internet and a laptop… you can literally have just about whatever you want in life. 

It’s not easy, but if you make a decision- it becomes very simple.

- Jay

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