my health journey

Hey friend, 

The 3 years I’ve been on a big journey in regards to my health.

This is me 3 years ago…

And this is me 2 days ago…

The physical is only proof of a much bigger transformation that has occurred inside of me. And I am only at the start of all that is possible for me to create here.

The truth is, I didn’t expect it to take this much of me to get here. 

And not only because the training is hard- I love hard training. Its feels good to test my body & mind. 

And not only because I find it hard to stay away from eating shitty food- I actually find it pretty simple to just stick to whole foods.

But the hardest thing about my journey has been all the other stuff. 

I didn’t realise when I began, that all the same principles that applied to my business & money journey, would be super relevant for this journey too. 

Because to become physically empowered & the highest expression of your physical self is super uncommon in the modern world. The modern world is set up to keep you disempowered, so it can continue to sell you shit that might fix your problem, but ultimately keeps you in the same place. 

The modern world, where most are obese. Most are sick. Most eat shit every day. 

Most don’t value their physical potential or expression or are even aware it exists. 

Most are happy to sedate themselves every weekend with alcohol, drugs, food. 

When you make a decisions to change and go against the culture of what is normal- you encounter a lot of opposition. You have to confront all the relationships that you have built around these old habits. 

Your friends will wonder why you don’t want to go out with them. Your family may wonder why you don’t want to eat certain meals. Consider that so much of your old habits & relationships will need to be recreated. 

You have to be different from the common culture…

Where the restaurants are cooking with toxic ingredients like seed oils. 

Where the food corporations are spending hundreds of millions in research & science to hack your brain to sell you shit food that creates addiction.

Where all these fitness influencers profit of your disempowerment & confusion. 

Where young men being sold shitty ideas by juiced up meat heads. 

Young girls are comparing themselves to highly edited marketing campaigns. 

There’s no much illusion. 

There’s such a poverty in health culture. The modern gym is not setup based on the best way for humans to explore their own potential. Its built based on body building culture of how guys on steroids train to look good for a competition without any care for truth or performance or practicality or their long term health. 

The modern gym was created as a franchise-able product that could be put on every street corner and sold to the masses for $50 a month. 

The modern gym could be one of the worst places to move your body. 

One of the least inspiring environments possible. 

Little or no natural light, cold AC, shit music, no connection with others in the gym, mirrors everywhere etc. etc. etc.

All these cert IV in fitness graduates trying to sell you shitty programs and supplements. 

There’s so much to overcome, for the modern person who wants to empower themself.

And hey, some will just naturally find themselves in a healthy environment and take it on autonomically and never have to think so deeply about all of this- just like with business & money, some just found themselves in the place where the right ideas were- but for most, we didn’t. 

So there may be a real journey to go on.

So much to say, to say this…

Just like online business is an invitation into your own sovereignty and something much greater than just money, geographical and time flexibility. 

Your physical empowerment journey is the same. It’s an invitation into much more than just looking a bit better. 

See when you seek truth- you will need to confront all that is false. 

When you choose to move forward, you will need to confront all that holds you back. 

When you choose to go beyond, you will need to confront all that wants to stay right where you are. 

See friend, to master one thing, is to master everything. 

Everything in life, is merely content to explore yourself. 

All of life is offering this same invitation, you!


Jay Topp is a 24 year old writer, marketer, film maker & self-led educator originally from Australia, now based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. You can see his films here. Instagram here. And his business website here.

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