
Hey friend, 

The nature of life is growth. 

At any given moment, all of life is inviting you into the experience of growth

You could say that’s exactly what life is, in its very nature.

Now, most people get incrementally wiser each year with age. Older people tend to have more wisdom from their years. 

However, this is truly the minimum- its like investing in the S&P500- it barely covers inflation. 

Life is inviting us all into far greater growth, exponential growth.

Its all available. 

The problem is you don’t know how to navigate the process of growth, and yourself. 

So you spend your life for the most part,  in opposition to the process.

You interfere (inter-fear )with it. 

When it becomes present… you react, scared that it’s fleeting. 

You are led by feelings, which are ultimately a very low level of intelligence. 

And so most never get to experience all that is available for them. 

You don’t know need to do anything drastic or crazy to grow, you just need to align to nature of life. 

However to do so, it may seem crazy in reference to what you have done before, what is acceptable by others, and what is common. 


PS. if you have a question, in regards to online business & travel as an alternative vehicle for further education or any other curiosity… you can anonymously submit it here.

Jay Topp is a 24 year old writer, marketer, film maker & self-led educator originally from Australia, now based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. You can see his films here. Instagram here. And his business website here.

PS. if you refer a friend to this newsletter, you’ll be put on a short list that will receive early access to the films i make, the book i’m writing, in person meet-ups and other cool stuff coming. use the link below to invite (the person needs to confirm their subscription via email).

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