full expression

Hey friend, 

A big part of living an authentic life is the ability to express yourself authentically.

To express yourself without fear of judgement. 

To be able to fully express what you are, your desires, your ideas, without fear of not being received, because you can receive yourself. 

I’ve got comfortable expressing myself online, thru writing and videos, 

And being able to say what is true to me, without holding back.

Its easy to express ourselves when we are comfortable, and when we are in an environment where we know it will be received. 

But its a lot harder when we aren’t sure. 

its come to my awareness, that out of a desire for comfort & safety & fear of judgement

i’ve been with-holding my authentic expression, especially in person

on the street, in cafes, in social situations

retreating to what is safe, familiar,

and robbing me of the fullest experience

i want to have the courage to open my heart to the world

to walk naked through the streets (figuratively haha)

and open my heart to all of life

without the fear of being judged

without others needing to receive me, because i have received myself

its comfortable to retreat into my own company,

it takes courage to express myself in the crowd

I spent time with a man last year who expressed himself completely in public, 

It was uncomfortable to be around for me

He was often rejected- not that it bothered him

But he also had an incredible experience of life, in the simplest things

And made the most beautiful connections 99% of people would miss

It kind of triggered me at the time and I cringed a bit in some of the situations

But now I realise, that he had the courage to express all of himself in every moment, no matter what or where

And i desire this too. 


PS. There was a problem with the form that has now been fixed. If you have a question, in regards to online business & travel as an alternative vehicle for further education or any other curiosity… you can anonymously submit it here. 

Jay Topp is a 24 year old writer, marketer, film maker & self-led educator originally from Australia, now based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. You can see his films here. Instagram here. And his business website here.

PS. if you refer a friend to this newsletter, you’ll be put on a short list that will receive early access to the films i make, the book i’m writing, in person meet-ups and other cool stuff coming. use the link below to invite (the person needs to confirm their subscription via email).

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