100 jays

Hey friend, 

Some of us have big ideas of great things that we want to create with our lives. 

And if you’re like me, someone of those ideas are going to take a long time to come to completion. 

A great deal of what I want to create, is beyond, far beyond, my current capacities and capabilities. 

In comparison to the average person, average income, average experience - I could tell myself I am doing incredible- however in comparison to where I am heading, Im a baby. 

Theres a tremendous amount of growth required for me to step into the spaces that I am seeking.

And to be honest, there’s a fair bit of resistance. 

I’m aware that there’s parts of me that don’t want to move forward. 

There’s parts of me that want to stay right where I am in the comfortable, known, familiar, that I have become accustomed to.

There’s a part of me that finds a great deal of comfort in all my old habits that I am looking to move beyond. 

Inside of me at any given moment, I like to imagine there are 100 Jays. 

And when I make a decision that I wish to create something new, something beyond what I have ever created with my life before, not all 100 jays are on board. 

There’s about 10 jays that are on board for absolutely anything- they will jump out the plane with no parachute. 

Then there’s another 20-30 that are pretty much down for most great things. 

Then there’s a middle 40 or so, that need it to be explained & reasoned to, and ultimately inspired.

And then there’s a final 20 or so, that don’t want to do shit, no matter what it is- and with those parts of me I need extreme patience and understanding to bring them with me. 

When we want to move forward, we need to confront all the parts of ourselves that want to stay right here. 

The parts of us that resist change, not because the old its better, not even because its more comfortable or easy, but simply because it is known & familiar. 

Being led by these feelings, is ultimately being led by a fairly low level of intelligence. 

To create something great, we need to be led by something greater. 


Jay Topp is a 24 year old writer, marketer, film maker & self-led educator originally from Australia, now based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. You can see his films here. Instagram here. And his business website here.

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